The African Education Enrollment Funnel



As a part of the Major Studio course at Parsons, we partnered with the United Nations Development Programme Regional Bureau for Africa to investigate inequality interactions in sub-Saharan Africa.

Over the last decade, the primary education enrollment rates in Africa have significantly improved, now averaging over 90%. However, the core problem in overcoming the economic development constraint remains the upgrading of the level of human capital in most of Africa. The poor quality of educational systems together with poor post-primary education enrollment rates are central to Africa’s human capital challenge and to a more equal future growth and development trajectory.

Through this project, I am trying to explore the disparity in the region as a function of enrollment rates across different levels of education.


Client: UNDP Regional Bureau for Africa

Data Source: UNESCO Institute for Statistics, World Bank WDI

Technology: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, D3.js, Microsoft Excel

Styles: UNDP global goals for sustainable development style guide

Code: Github page



The final iteration was the result of multiple critiques, design refinements and implementations. The following prototypes communicate how the idea of visualizing the funnel was developed.

final narrative

advantages of the design choice

The choice of using the funnel design for the visualization has various advantages. Not only does it have a metaphorical meaning of a funnel which depicts narrowing and filtering of children going to school at each level, but also offers an opportunity to understand how different countries fare in comparison to each other. In the same instance, the user can also understand the rate of decrease in enrollment rates from primary to secondary and tertiary levels of education. 


region-wise comparison

inequality within regions


other observations